A Daily Chronology of the Life of Abraham Lincoln compiled by the Lincoln Sesquicentennial Commission with the cooperation and support of the Abraham Lincoln Association and published by the Government Printing Office in 1960. To view the full Daily Chronology of the Life of Abraham Lincoln please visit: TheLincolnLog.org
Sunday, February 12, 1809
Hardin County, KY.

"I was born Feb. 12. 1809 in then Hardin county Kentucky," wrote Lincoln in June 1860 for Thomas Hicks, "at a point within the now recently formed county of Larue, a mile, or a mile & a half from where Hodgin'sville now is. My parents being dead and my own memory not serving, I know no means of identifying the precise locality. It was on Nolin Creek."
[Thomas Lincoln possessed 348½ acres of land when Abraham was born. Abraham's birthplace is approximately three miles south of present-day Hodgenville, on Nolin River.]
[Thomas Lincoln possessed 348½ acres of land when Abraham was born. Abraham's birthplace is approximately three miles south of present-day Hodgenville, on Nolin River.]
Monday, March 15, 1830
Macon County, IL.

"Lincoln's family 'located' on some new land, ten miles northwest [southwest] of Decatur, on the north bank of the Sangamon river, at a junction of forest and prairie land. Here the father and son built a log-cabin [also smoke house and barn], and split rails enough to fence in their land."
[Lincoln farm was located on S.E. ¼ of the S.W. ¼ of Sec. 28, T. 16 N., R. 1 E. of 3 P.M.]
[Lincoln farm was located on S.E. ¼ of the S.W. ¼ of Sec. 28, T. 16 N., R. 1 E. of 3 P.M.]
Tuesday, September 22, 1835
New Salem, IL.

Lincoln franks letter from M. S. Marsh to his brother in New Hampshire. Marsh writes that Lincoln is very careless in leaving office open and unattended, and that he could have charged double postage he marked on cover of recent letter. But Lincoln, says Marsh, would not have done that even if he had noticed incorrect amount.
Wednesday, July 20, 1842
Springfield, IL.

Lincoln draws up affidavit of Nathaniel Hay, who is suing Bryan to collect on promissory note for $161, but cannot find original note.
Lincoln attends Whig evening meeting at state house to organize Clay Club. Speeches are made by Lincoln, Logan, Baker, and A. Williams. N. W. Edwards, presiding, appoints Lincoln to executive committee.
Lincoln attends Whig evening meeting at state house to organize Clay Club. Speeches are made by Lincoln, Logan, Baker, and A. Williams. N. W. Edwards, presiding, appoints Lincoln to executive committee.
Thursday, October 19, 1848
Beardstown, IL.

Lincoln delivers a speech in the evening concerning the upcoming presidential election. A local newspaper notes that his remarks are "very sensible and illustrative."
Friday, October 14, 1853
Pekin, IL.

James F. Joy telegraphs Lincoln at Springfield asking him to act as arbitrator in dispute over crossing between Illinois Central and Northern Indiana railroads. P. S. Blackendt telegraphs same inquiry.
Saturday, October 15, 1859
Clinton, IL and Springfield, IL.

Springfield Republicans are jubilant at election returns. "Mr. Lincoln, the 'giant killer,' returned from DeWitt county court on the Saturday evening train, and when it became known he was in the city several hundred Republicans, headed by a band of music, formed in procession and proceeded to his residence." Lincoln goes with them to Capitol and speaks.
Sunday, April 9, 1865
En route on Steamboat River Queen and Washington, DC.

"That whole day [steaming up Potomac] the conversation turned on literary subjects. Mr. Lincoln read aloud to us for several hours. Most of the passages he selected were from Shakespeare."
President returns in excellent health. River Queen arrives at 6 P.M., bringing President, Mrs. Lincoln, Tad Lincoln, Attorney General James Speed, Assistant Secretary Otto, Senator Charles Sumner (Mass.), Senator James Harlan (Iowa), Mrs. Harlan and daughter Mary, and Marquis de Chambrun.
Presidential party arrives about sundown. Streets alive with people. Bonfires everywhere. General Robert E. Lee has surrendered.
President visits Secretary Seward, severely injured by fall from carriage.
Crowds in front of White House call for President. "He responded briefly but pleasantly."
President returns in excellent health. River Queen arrives at 6 P.M., bringing President, Mrs. Lincoln, Tad Lincoln, Attorney General James Speed, Assistant Secretary Otto, Senator Charles Sumner (Mass.), Senator James Harlan (Iowa), Mrs. Harlan and daughter Mary, and Marquis de Chambrun.
Presidential party arrives about sundown. Streets alive with people. Bonfires everywhere. General Robert E. Lee has surrendered.
President visits Secretary Seward, severely injured by fall from carriage.
Crowds in front of White House call for President. "He responded briefly but pleasantly."
Friday, April 14, 1865
The evening and night of April 14

In late afternoon President and Mrs. Lincoln go for drive. They stop at Navy Yard to view three monitors, damaged in Fort Fisher, N.C., engagement. President talks of time when they can return to Illinois and live quietly.
Between 6 and 7 P.M. President and Mrs. Lincoln return from drive and find Governor Richard J. Oglesby (Ill.) with other Illinois friends at White House. Reads four chapters of Petroleum V. Nasby's book.
After supper President interviews Cong. Colfax (Ind.) relative to special session of Congress and order of Gen. Weitzel. Former Cong. Cornelius Cole (Calif.) accompanies Colfax.
At 8 P.M. former Cong. Ashmun (Mass.) sees President regarding cotton claim against government. President gives him appointment as follows: "Allow Mr. Ashmun & friend to come in at 9 A.M. to-morrow." [Ashmun considered this Lincoln's last autograph.]
President exchanges few words with former Cong. Arnold (Ill.) while getting in carriage to go to theater.
At approximately 8:30 P.M. President and Mrs. Lincoln, accompanied by Clara Harris and Major Henry R. Rathbone, enter Ford's Theatre for performance of Our American Cousin featuring Laura Keene.
[Exact time of assassination is not agreed upon. After extensive research Otto Eisenschiml wrote:] "It is therefore safe to say that Booth fired his shot at or close to 13 minutes past 10 P.M."
Shortly afterward President, completely insensible, is moved across street to house of William Petersen, 453 10th St. NW., and placed upon bed in small room at rear of hall on ground floor. Mrs. Lincoln stays near her husband. Robert Lincoln and John Hay come from White House. Dr. Stone tells Robert there is no hope. Family and others whose official or private relations to President give them right to be present begin their long night wait for death to overtake him.
Between 6 and 7 P.M. President and Mrs. Lincoln return from drive and find Governor Richard J. Oglesby (Ill.) with other Illinois friends at White House. Reads four chapters of Petroleum V. Nasby's book.
After supper President interviews Cong. Colfax (Ind.) relative to special session of Congress and order of Gen. Weitzel. Former Cong. Cornelius Cole (Calif.) accompanies Colfax.
At 8 P.M. former Cong. Ashmun (Mass.) sees President regarding cotton claim against government. President gives him appointment as follows: "Allow Mr. Ashmun & friend to come in at 9 A.M. to-morrow." [Ashmun considered this Lincoln's last autograph.]
President exchanges few words with former Cong. Arnold (Ill.) while getting in carriage to go to theater.
At approximately 8:30 P.M. President and Mrs. Lincoln, accompanied by Clara Harris and Major Henry R. Rathbone, enter Ford's Theatre for performance of Our American Cousin featuring Laura Keene.
[Exact time of assassination is not agreed upon. After extensive research Otto Eisenschiml wrote:] "It is therefore safe to say that Booth fired his shot at or close to 13 minutes past 10 P.M."
Shortly afterward President, completely insensible, is moved across street to house of William Petersen, 453 10th St. NW., and placed upon bed in small room at rear of hall on ground floor. Mrs. Lincoln stays near her husband. Robert Lincoln and John Hay come from White House. Dr. Stone tells Robert there is no hope. Family and others whose official or private relations to President give them right to be present begin their long night wait for death to overtake him.