The Abraham Lincoln Association has a long tradition of providing financial support to Lincoln sites and Lincoln research projects. Highlights of some of those projects are described below:

2007-2008: Oak Ridge Cemetery Original Entrance Recreation
Made a grant of $2,500 to the Illinois Bar Foundation as a challenge to be matched by other contributions in order to purchase a grave marker for Judge Samuel Hubbel Treat, a Lincoln friend and an important early Illinois lawyer and judge. On June 20, 2008, the Judge’s monument in Oak Ridge Cemetery in Springfield, Illinois, was dedicated.
2005 - Present: Digitizing all of the ALA publications
To present Undertook a project of digitalizing all of the ALA publications and placing them online at the ALA website.
1998 - Present: The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln on the Web
Began a project to place the first eight volumes of the The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln on the Web.

1997: Gild the Ceiling at the Lincoln Tomb
Secured a grant for the matching funds necessary to gild the ceiling at the Lincoln Tomb with palladium.
1995: Publication of Herndon’s Informants: Letters, Interviews, and Statements about Abraham Lincoln
Awarded $5,000 to the University of Illinois Press for assistance with the publication costs of Herndon’s Informants: Letters, Interviews, and Statements about Abraham Lincoln, edited by Rodney O. Davis and Douglas L. Wilson.
1985: Publication of the Lincoln Legal Papers
To present Conducted annual solicitation to support the research and publication of the Lincoln Legal Papers and the Papers of Abraham Lincoln.

1964-1970: Period furnishings for the restored Old State Capitol in Springfield, Illinois
Raised over $250,000 to purchase period furnishings for the restored Old State Capitol in Springfield, Illinois, where Lincoln delivered his famous “House Divided” speech.