The Logan Hay Medal
The Logan Hay Medal recognizes individuals who have made noteworthy contributions to the mission of the Abraham Lincoln Association: to observe each anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln; to preserve and make more accessible the landmarks associated with his life; and to actively encourage, promote, and aid the collection and dissemination of authentic information regarding all phases of his life and career.
The award was established in 1967 by the ALA and Logan Hay descendants in honor of Logan Hay, an important figure in the ALA’s formation. By tradition, members of the Hay family offer input on selection of the recipient. The bronze medal is awarded infrequently and is the highest honor given by the ALA.
Mary Shepherd - 2021
Lewis Lehrman - 2018
Robert J. Lenz - 2016
Richard E. Hart - 2011
Earl W. Henderson, Jr. - 2010
Molly M. Becker - 2009
Robert S. Eckley - 2008
Georgia Northrup - 2008
Thomas F. Schwartz - 2002
Cullom Davis - 2000
Don E. Fehrenbacher - 1989
Richard N. Current - 1989
Floyd S. Barringer, M.D. - 1984
Paul Findley - 1972
Nelson O. Howarth - 1971
George W. Bunn Jr. - 1969
Oliver J. Keller - 1968
Otto Kerner - 1967
The Hay-Nicolay Dissertation Prize
The Hay-Nicolay Dissertation Prize recognizes and encourages young scholars to conduct research on Abraham Lincoln and his times. The Abraham Lincoln Institute and the Abraham Lincoln Association select the recipients and underwrite the annual prize of $1,000. The first year, both organizations selected recipients. The award alternates between each organization from year to year. A panel of five scholars representing each entity serves as the jury.
Evan Turiano - 2023
“Secession’s Moving Foundation’: Fugitive Slave Rendition and the Politics of American Slavery” (The City University of New York, 2022
Ian Todd Iverson - 2022
“Moderate Men and Conservative Influences: Illinois and the Politics of Union, 1854-1861” (University of Virginia, 2022)
Robert O. Faith - 2020
Thomas D. Mackie Jr. - 2019
Zachery A. Fry - 2018
Mark A. Neels - 2017
Thomas J. Kernan - 2016
Sarah Bischoff Paulus - 2015
Kimberly N. Kutz - 2014
Jarod Peatman - 2013
Cynthia Nicoletti - 2012
John Barr - 2011
Jonathan W. White - 2010
Robert J. Johnson, Jr. - 2009
Russell McClintock - 2007
David Work - 2006
Jennifer Weber - 2005
Matthew Parks - 2004
Graham A. Peck - 2003
Brian Dirck - 2002
Stewart Winger - 2001
Deren Kellogg - 2001
Lincoln The Lawyer Award
James A. Lewis - 2022
Tim Bertschy (2020)
Floyd Abrams - 2019
Thomas S. Johnson - 2017
Richard L. Thies - 2015
Hon. Frank J. Williams - 2010
Elmer Gertz - 2000
Joseph H. Hartzler - 1998
Hon. Richard Mills - 1992
John P. Frank - 1991
Hon. Harlington Wood Jr. - 1990
Hon. John B. Hannum - 1989
Hon. James R. Thompson - 1987
Hon. Robert C. Underwood - 1986
Hon. Abraham Lincoln Marovitz - 1985
The Spirit of Lincoln Award
President Lincoln and his administration were the force behind many laws that Americans still feel the effects of today. The fact that he worked to improve the lives of Americans through legislation while serving as commander-in-chief during the Civil War inspired a committee of the ALA board members to create this annual award.
“His administration gave us several gifts which we still enjoy today,” said Dr. Wayne Temple, Distinguished Director of the ALA and Chief Deputy Director of the Illinois State Archives. “The Morrill Act gave federal lands to the States so that they might create land -grant colleges or universities one in each state. The National Bank Act improved banking. The Pacific Highway Act brought about the transcontinental railroad. The Homestead Act opened up the great West for settlement to those without large financial means.”

Randall T. Shepard, former Chief Justice of the Indiana Supreme Court.